Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Clinton and Obama's Views Skewed on National Security

At the recent press conference on December 3, 2007, Hillary Cliton and Barrack Obama adressed the media about their feelings of the new executive order. She, as well as Obama, are strongly against this order and feel that is does not protect the American people. She stated "A point comes where the government is no longer protecting it's citizens." How can she say this when there is excessive chatter about possible terrorists in our own American anti-war groups. Action must be taken against this groups in order to protect this country. Both Clinton and Obama are making it known that they are against this order in order to show their view of individual freedoms. But what happens when these anti-war groups actually do pull off a terrorist act on our own soil? What happens when these "enemies at home" find a simple way to topple the American government. We are not talking about people from other countries traveling to our land, we are dealing with our own people, our Americans. If American's like Malomar do exist, we must take all actions possible to stop them. Even though there is no concrete evidence to support the claims of the president yet, this executive order should be passed in order to make sure the people of the United States are safe. I dont want to live on my boat and wonder every night if my own American people are going to blow me up. If Clinton and Obama really think this order is a a bad idea, then they have tainited views of freedom and should not be running for President.

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