Friday, December 14, 2007

Executive Order Should Push Through Supreme Court

All the problems started for the UALC on December 6, 2007 when Senator Clinton and Senator Obama called for the Sergeant it Arms to take away Mr. Mukasey for contempt. Did they really think they would gain popularity by sending a person of that high authority to jail over something that miniscule?? Not to mention their actions were was illegal. Clinton and Obama however did do a great job of embarrassing themselves. When a nation's national security is at risk, it is not a great time to arrest the Attorney General. Because of these actions, Feinstein decided to take both Clinton and Obama off the Senate and replace them with Senator Kennedy and Senator Byrd. On top of this, Solicitor General Paul Clement did an excellent job in embarrassing the Senate and UACL as well. His answers were perfect and it was hard to find one single flaw in his argument. He made it clear that "National Security triumphs civil liberties" in times like these. On the other side, McCarthy did a good job of humiliating herself. She explained that you cannot target an anti war group because of a single person's actions in that group. They are clearly in this group for a reason and must have some influence from that group. This seems obvious but clearly not to McCarthy. All in all, it will be extremely difficult for Feinstein to gather enough votes to shoot down this Executive Order. After all that has happened in the past couple weeks, there is a clear winner. The UALC have lost the battle and if I were them I would hide my face for close to the rest of my life.

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