Thursday, December 13, 2007

UALC Embarassed by the High Court

As we await the ruling of the supreme court concerning whether the President's executive order was in violation of constitutional law, the First mate had another field day watching the UALC representitives pathetically try to defend their position. The First mate uses the word "defend" in an ironic sense because it is the UALC who has brought this non-sense, pety, and typical liberal bologna process of bringing suit with little basis for it. To my suprise the Supreme Court acted very even keeled and inteligible throughout the hearings. However, when it came time to chalenge the argument of the UALC and defend the Commander and Cheif of our beautiful country, the Court burned representitive Kelly McCarthy in their questioning. To my utter delight, the UALC yet again came to a High Court hearing unprepared and in my opinion delusional. Throughout their entire argument that the executive order grocely violated privacy rights when 'questionable' security threats were present, the UALC reps failed to use the 4th Amendment as one of their core defenses. This was almost comical to the First Mate, proving the naive experience of the UALC when it comes to the big stage in the High Court, and that the President, as any sane person would agree, was in complete accordance with the law and national security procedures. The First Mate can only pray that this embarassing representation of the UALC organization as a whole will be somewhat of a wake-up call to their leadership that it is time for their anti-American antics to stop, and for the organization to start protecting the liberties of honest Americans, and pursuing the malfeasance of ex-patriots and terrorists.

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