Thursday, December 6, 2007

Sen. Kyl Calls for "A Little Humility"

Earlier today an unprecedented event occurred when the President’s top gun Attorney general Mike Mukasey was placed under arrest by the Sergeant at Arms. This arrest was prompted by the whining of Senator Clinton and the faulty accusations from Senator Obama. The Senate was pure chaos today… heck half the time there were pencils flying, spit projecting from Feinstein and Clintons mouth while they bickered over pointless technicalities, and on top of all this, for the first time in American history the Sergeant at Arms slapped cuffs on the U.S. Attorney General in front of the press. I think it would have been more civil to have had today’s press conference at the Washington D.C. zoo! Throughout the hearings Mukasey was blasted from Senators Clinton, Obama, and Feinstein. All of this over whether or not the President broke Constitutional Law by issuing an executive order without first going through congress. It is still undetermined whether this slip-up was unconstitutional and grounds for an embarrassing arrest in front of the media. Although Clinton called for the arrest of Mukasey, Feinstein is to blame for enabling such a politically detrimental event to take place. While on the other side of the table, thankfully Senator Kyl kept his wits about him, and remained composed and fair while questioning Mukasey. When asked about today’s showcase of events Senator Kyl claims that "Clinton and Obamas actions were uncalled for and inappropriate given the circumstances today”. Senator Kyl was not the only member of the Senate to keep a level head, for Senator Lindsey Graham also asked straightforward and clear questions to Mukasey while not losing his cool. He also was unimpressed by today’s events. We also anticipate that Andrew Liberman of the CLCT will have plenty to say about this matter.

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