Friday, November 30, 2007


The first mate is a political pundit who lives on his massive 13 foot yacht in beautiful Marina Del Rey. The first mate spends much of his time working at the local West Marine store to generate his primary income. He is a loving uncle of Sally, who he calls his little deck hand. He has always loved politics but couldn't express his views because he was mute until the age of 12. His lovely wife Akiko recently moved here from Japan and he has not come up with a name for her yet. Born and raised on his boat he has never left except to work at the West Marine. Passing time is simple due to his daily 26 mile swims to Catalina and back. Just kidding he actually swims 26 miles a week, still a studly accomplishment especially for an elderly First Mate. The reason why he never became a captain was out of respect for his fallen uncle who was the the head captain for the S.S. Minow of the Marshall Island Royal Navy.

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