Friday, December 14, 2007

Executive Order passed and Where did Clinton and Obama go?

The Executive Order taken to the Supreme Court and rolls through 4 to 3, determing that the EO is constitutional. Perino answered questions from the media for a brief moment because the Order was so clear, no questions were needed. The President gave a brief speech and assured the American's that when national security is involved, we must be extremely careful. After the rather embarrassing stunt by Clinton and Obama, are there campaigns down the drain? And what about UACL? If you ask me it looked like a train hit them when Scalia shot questions at Kelly McCarthy. I think they should focus a little more on running for presidency since they have been kicked out of Congress.

Executive Order Should Push Through Supreme Court

All the problems started for the UALC on December 6, 2007 when Senator Clinton and Senator Obama called for the Sergeant it Arms to take away Mr. Mukasey for contempt. Did they really think they would gain popularity by sending a person of that high authority to jail over something that miniscule?? Not to mention their actions were was illegal. Clinton and Obama however did do a great job of embarrassing themselves. When a nation's national security is at risk, it is not a great time to arrest the Attorney General. Because of these actions, Feinstein decided to take both Clinton and Obama off the Senate and replace them with Senator Kennedy and Senator Byrd. On top of this, Solicitor General Paul Clement did an excellent job in embarrassing the Senate and UACL as well. His answers were perfect and it was hard to find one single flaw in his argument. He made it clear that "National Security triumphs civil liberties" in times like these. On the other side, McCarthy did a good job of humiliating herself. She explained that you cannot target an anti war group because of a single person's actions in that group. They are clearly in this group for a reason and must have some influence from that group. This seems obvious but clearly not to McCarthy. All in all, it will be extremely difficult for Feinstein to gather enough votes to shoot down this Executive Order. After all that has happened in the past couple weeks, there is a clear winner. The UALC have lost the battle and if I were them I would hide my face for close to the rest of my life.

The Senator Mitchell Report Released

Yesterday there was finally some accountability initiated as Senator George Mitchell released the 409 page long performance enhancing drug report, citing names of basesball players who over the past decade have been abusing steroids and performance enhancing drugs. Although Senator Mitchell asks that the players not recieve punishment and that the purpose off his report was to only reveal those who have cheated the game, Commisioner of Major league Baseball Bud Selig has made it clear that those who are found guilty of performance enhancing drug use in the Mitchell Report will be dealt with appropriatley. The First mate commends the Commisioner for taking the first swift step in which will hopefully be the beginning of the end of America's Pastime's steroid problem.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

UALC Embarassed by the High Court

As we await the ruling of the supreme court concerning whether the President's executive order was in violation of constitutional law, the First mate had another field day watching the UALC representitives pathetically try to defend their position. The First mate uses the word "defend" in an ironic sense because it is the UALC who has brought this non-sense, pety, and typical liberal bologna process of bringing suit with little basis for it. To my suprise the Supreme Court acted very even keeled and inteligible throughout the hearings. However, when it came time to chalenge the argument of the UALC and defend the Commander and Cheif of our beautiful country, the Court burned representitive Kelly McCarthy in their questioning. To my utter delight, the UALC yet again came to a High Court hearing unprepared and in my opinion delusional. Throughout their entire argument that the executive order grocely violated privacy rights when 'questionable' security threats were present, the UALC reps failed to use the 4th Amendment as one of their core defenses. This was almost comical to the First Mate, proving the naive experience of the UALC when it comes to the big stage in the High Court, and that the President, as any sane person would agree, was in complete accordance with the law and national security procedures. The First Mate can only pray that this embarassing representation of the UALC organization as a whole will be somewhat of a wake-up call to their leadership that it is time for their anti-American antics to stop, and for the organization to start protecting the liberties of honest Americans, and pursuing the malfeasance of ex-patriots and terrorists.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Sen. Kyl Calls for "A Little Humility"

Earlier today an unprecedented event occurred when the President’s top gun Attorney general Mike Mukasey was placed under arrest by the Sergeant at Arms. This arrest was prompted by the whining of Senator Clinton and the faulty accusations from Senator Obama. The Senate was pure chaos today… heck half the time there were pencils flying, spit projecting from Feinstein and Clintons mouth while they bickered over pointless technicalities, and on top of all this, for the first time in American history the Sergeant at Arms slapped cuffs on the U.S. Attorney General in front of the press. I think it would have been more civil to have had today’s press conference at the Washington D.C. zoo! Throughout the hearings Mukasey was blasted from Senators Clinton, Obama, and Feinstein. All of this over whether or not the President broke Constitutional Law by issuing an executive order without first going through congress. It is still undetermined whether this slip-up was unconstitutional and grounds for an embarrassing arrest in front of the media. Although Clinton called for the arrest of Mukasey, Feinstein is to blame for enabling such a politically detrimental event to take place. While on the other side of the table, thankfully Senator Kyl kept his wits about him, and remained composed and fair while questioning Mukasey. When asked about today’s showcase of events Senator Kyl claims that "Clinton and Obamas actions were uncalled for and inappropriate given the circumstances today”. Senator Kyl was not the only member of the Senate to keep a level head, for Senator Lindsey Graham also asked straightforward and clear questions to Mukasey while not losing his cool. He also was unimpressed by today’s events. We also anticipate that Andrew Liberman of the CLCT will have plenty to say about this matter.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Clinton and Obama's Views Skewed on National Security

At the recent press conference on December 3, 2007, Hillary Cliton and Barrack Obama adressed the media about their feelings of the new executive order. She, as well as Obama, are strongly against this order and feel that is does not protect the American people. She stated "A point comes where the government is no longer protecting it's citizens." How can she say this when there is excessive chatter about possible terrorists in our own American anti-war groups. Action must be taken against this groups in order to protect this country. Both Clinton and Obama are making it known that they are against this order in order to show their view of individual freedoms. But what happens when these anti-war groups actually do pull off a terrorist act on our own soil? What happens when these "enemies at home" find a simple way to topple the American government. We are not talking about people from other countries traveling to our land, we are dealing with our own people, our Americans. If American's like Malomar do exist, we must take all actions possible to stop them. Even though there is no concrete evidence to support the claims of the president yet, this executive order should be passed in order to make sure the people of the United States are safe. I dont want to live on my boat and wonder every night if my own American people are going to blow me up. If Clinton and Obama really think this order is a a bad idea, then they have tainited views of freedom and should not be running for President.

Friday, November 30, 2007


The first mate is a political pundit who lives on his massive 13 foot yacht in beautiful Marina Del Rey. The first mate spends much of his time working at the local West Marine store to generate his primary income. He is a loving uncle of Sally, who he calls his little deck hand. He has always loved politics but couldn't express his views because he was mute until the age of 12. His lovely wife Akiko recently moved here from Japan and he has not come up with a name for her yet. Born and raised on his boat he has never left except to work at the West Marine. Passing time is simple due to his daily 26 mile swims to Catalina and back. Just kidding he actually swims 26 miles a week, still a studly accomplishment especially for an elderly First Mate. The reason why he never became a captain was out of respect for his fallen uncle who was the the head captain for the S.S. Minow of the Marshall Island Royal Navy.